Duck Tape
How far do you think duck tape can stretch...metaphorically speaking?
Last week I helped out with a youth talent show near the Church I work at. It was an amazing event. Really cool.
One of my first tasks was to duck tape a hazzardas extension cord down to the ground. Next I help put up a tent. Then I broke up a fist fight between two teenagers. Then I dealt with a VERY angry disabled resident who didn't want "all the noise". Then I handed out food while some of the youth volunteers snuck food over to their friends who weren't in line.
The needs in this community are huge. But how far will taping a cord down to the ground go to advance God's kingdom; for people to see a minister on his hands and knees while people walk about not noticing my good deeds?
Duck tape isn't about me, or ministers or good deeds. It is about joining God in His work in the world.
As I volunteered at this community event with hundreds of needy people looking for food, entertainment, direction and friends, I wondered to myself, "where is our Church? Why isn't our Church here volunteering, serving our community?"
Next year I hope we can all dust off our duck tape and join God in His mission in the world.
Last week I helped out with a youth talent show near the Church I work at. It was an amazing event. Really cool.
One of my first tasks was to duck tape a hazzardas extension cord down to the ground. Next I help put up a tent. Then I broke up a fist fight between two teenagers. Then I dealt with a VERY angry disabled resident who didn't want "all the noise". Then I handed out food while some of the youth volunteers snuck food over to their friends who weren't in line.
The needs in this community are huge. But how far will taping a cord down to the ground go to advance God's kingdom; for people to see a minister on his hands and knees while people walk about not noticing my good deeds?
Duck tape isn't about me, or ministers or good deeds. It is about joining God in His work in the world.
As I volunteered at this community event with hundreds of needy people looking for food, entertainment, direction and friends, I wondered to myself, "where is our Church? Why isn't our Church here volunteering, serving our community?"
Next year I hope we can all dust off our duck tape and join God in His mission in the world.